FIREWALL MAIL – Wdrożylismy zaawansowany system ochrony przed spamem. Oprogramowanie zaimplementowano na wydzielonej maszynie wirtualnej, gdzie system operacyjny stanowi Linux, który świertnie nadaje się jako pierwszy FIREWALL Mail.
Dla jakich firm mozna wykorzystać system antyspamowy ?
Każda firma która, ma własny serwer pocztowy – Postfix lub Exchange, może wdrożyć u siebie takie rozwiązanie. Wdrożony system jest bardzo elastyczny i może obsługiwać od kilku do kilkuset tysięcy maili dziennie.
Jaka jest skuteczność wdrożonego Firewall mail?
Niezależne testy wskazują, że wdrożony system antyspamowy zawiera najbardziej skuteczne reguły, filtrujące od 98% do 99,97% spamu.
Jakie reguły wykorzystuje system w celu wykrycia spamu ?
Firewall Mail wyposażony jest w szereg narzędzi filtrujących maile, reputacje ich pochodzenia oraz geolokalizację. Do najważniejszych funkcjonalności Fierwall Mail należy:
- TLS 1.2 with SHA2 and ECC (for SMTP & HTTPS)
- Host-to-host IPSec transport encryption with pre-shared key
- Free and commercial Anti-Virus for inbound and outbound emails
- Different Quarantine per domain
- Different Scores per domain for Tagging and Blocking SPAM
- Built-it parallel outbound delivery from/to multiple hosted domains
- Additional SMTP ports
- Spam scanning for inbound and outbound emails originated from non-intranet server
- Powerful and innovative geographic filtering for Sender IP, Server IP, URL IP and TLDs.
- Verify Sender IP against weighted white/blacklist providers (score RBL).
- Spammer database pollution by deploying unlimited spam traps for your website
- Various validations for hostname, domain, IP, helo/ehlo commands and more
- Provides DMARC record and verification
- DKIM verification and signing
- SPF verification and SRS
- Recipient verification for Active Directory, LDAP, Zimbra and Domino.
- Protection against fake messages that appear to come from your domain or from yourself
- Built-in rules for newsletters and other messages generated by automated systems
- Protection against executable files, malicious content, scripts and more
- Eliminates a large amount of junk emails sent by infected or hijacked computers.
- Various tests for embedded pictures.
- Protection against forged domains like (fake), etc.
- Protection against wifi, dynamic, invalid or unknown hosts.
- Easy to replicate messages across the world by typing a backup (sub)domain.
- Whitelist [sender domain] using drag & drop emails (with MS Outlook)
- Blacklist [sender address] using drag & drop emails (with MS Outlook)
- Reduce storage cost by redirecting multimedia messages (archived or hidden)
- Relay outgoing messages through a global or per sender domain ISP (smarthost)
- (Experimental) Lite DLP for MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF and scanned images (archived or hidden)
- Assign different outbound IP pools per sender domain
- Disclaimer per domain
- Accelerate http traffic with web cache
- Simple web interface with guidelines
- Enforce encrypted connection with email servers
- Backup (BCC) incoming/outgoing emails to an alternative mailbox
- Clone/duplicate incoming emails to another (sub-)domain
- Custom Spam TAG in the Subject
- Fallback delivery to alternative email servers
- Learn spam from other email servers
- Internal DNS cache
- Built-in RBL for IPs, Nameservers, Domains and DKIM
- Build-in Fingerprints service
- IPv6
- Advanced internal reputation service
- Mandatory STARTTLS for cached Domains and IPs